AJ Lindner

Identity Security Expert, Automation Engineer, Active Directory Specialist, Powershell Enthusiast

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About Me

I have a strong, often obsessive passion for solving interesting puzzles. Not so much jigsaw or lock puzzles, but technological ones - finding creative, often hacky ways of making things work, even when they really shouldn’t. Whether it’s a few (or many) clever lines of code, a dash (or monstrosity) of unusual configuration magic, a giant behemoth of interconnected components that work when you chant the secret words, and everything in between, I’m constantly seeking out new, intriguing scenarios just begging for a solution.

I spent years as a Security Engineer in the finance industry building an Identity Governance solution from the ground up, constantly working within forced limitations to just “make things work”, however I could. Now, as a Cybersecurity Solutions Architect, I leverage my experience to pursue my passion every day - designing and presenting powerful solutions to solve every use case thrown my way, for every type of organization imaginable. And the best part? I just solve the puzzles, and let others bring them to life.

Occasionally, I write blog posts and create videos about the products I specialize in.

When I’m not working…

I’m engaged in one of many casual hobbies. Obsessing over a video game (probably an RPG), working on janky tech projects like creating a custom software KVM, building or modifying a computer, exploring a new band or album (i.e. addictively blasting it on repeat), playing chess, Magic: The Gathering, or pool with friends, wasting time or diving down a rabbit hole on YouTube, or exploring any other topic that catches my interest.

Powershell counts as a hobby, right?

When I’m not being a nerd, you can catch me cooking, playing with my dogs, boating at the lake, backpacking in the wilderness, jamming out at concerts, playing drums, or snowboarding when I get the chance to hit the other side of the country.